We were formed in 2018 in the United States with the desire to fashion a new way to gather like-minded Anglicans and other Christians from around the world to work together for the proclamation of the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Our Patron Bishops in Africa provide episcopal oversight of the Anglican Union, connecting us with the See of Canterbury which is the third most historic
after Rome and Constantinople.
after Rome and Constantinople.
We are formally related to 5 Anglican dioceses in Africa. God has richly blessed us with the ecclesiastical leadership and pastoral ministries of Rt. Rev. Michael Hafidh, Diocese of Zanzibar, Tanzania; Rt. Rev. Godfrey Mbelwa, Diocese of Lweru, Tanzania; Rt. Rev. Raphael Haule, Diocese of Ruvuma, Tanzania; Rt. Rev. Jackson Sosthenes, Diocese of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; and the Rt. Rev. Peter Joh Mayom, Diocese of Malek, South Sudan. All clergy in the Anglican Union are licensed by our Patrons bishops.

Gospel unity and Christian fraternity are essential, foundational expressions of our Union's character.
Through our commitment to be a fraternal communion we are strengthened to live our vocation,
offering an authentic witness to God in the world. We believe the Holy Spirit has called us
to this renewed way of being church for the world in this age.
Through our commitment to be a fraternal communion we are strengthened to live our vocation,
offering an authentic witness to God in the world. We believe the Holy Spirit has called us
to this renewed way of being church for the world in this age.
From the Latin con and fraternitas, literally: together with brothers.
The Anglican Union is a society, a fellowship of oratories which
includes a variety of dioceses, churches, ministries, clergy and
lay, male and female, throughout the world.
We are committed to each other to strengthen the exercise of our
principal charisms: prayer, service, unity, and catechesis.
The Anglican Union is a society, a fellowship of oratories which
includes a variety of dioceses, churches, ministries, clergy and
lay, male and female, throughout the world.
We are committed to each other to strengthen the exercise of our
principal charisms: prayer, service, unity, and catechesis.
A community of prayer. Prayer is the bedrock practice, attitude, and character of the Christian life and a foundational characteristic of every Christian community. Whether it is supported by a traditional church, parish, diocese, or parachurch, every ministry of the Anglican Union flows from this principal charism.
Our communities of prayer are many in India, Africa, Europe, and the Americas. And they are diverse including congregations, community and institutional chaplaincies,
care for prisoners, refugees, and society's outcasts, evangelistic witness,
and missional presence.
As Tennyson wrote, "More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of." The role of prayer in the life of the Anglican Union cannot be overstated. Bathed in prayer, each oratory serves God and the world most effectively when it exercises its particular spiritual gifts for ministry, which means that no two oratories are or
are expected to be the same.
Our communities of prayer are many in India, Africa, Europe, and the Americas. And they are diverse including congregations, community and institutional chaplaincies,
care for prisoners, refugees, and society's outcasts, evangelistic witness,
and missional presence.
As Tennyson wrote, "More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of." The role of prayer in the life of the Anglican Union cannot be overstated. Bathed in prayer, each oratory serves God and the world most effectively when it exercises its particular spiritual gifts for ministry, which means that no two oratories are or
are expected to be the same.
By nature, a Confraternity is an organic fellowship, not a jurisdictional institution.
The Anglican Union is governed by a Consistory (a council) comprised of our
Patron Bishops, clergy and laity. The Apostolic Prefect is the organizational
and ecclesiastical leader who directs the mission of the Union, elected by
the Consistory and accountable to it. The purpose of our structure is to
facilitate the work of ministry in its many and varied expressions
within the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church.
The Anglican Union is governed by a Consistory (a council) comprised of our
Patron Bishops, clergy and laity. The Apostolic Prefect is the organizational
and ecclesiastical leader who directs the mission of the Union, elected by
the Consistory and accountable to it. The purpose of our structure is to
facilitate the work of ministry in its many and varied expressions
within the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church.
Members of our Confraternity and associates commit ourselves to these practices so that our lives will be transformed more and more into the image and likeness of Christ, and so that we see him more clearly, love him more dearly, and follow him more nearly, day by day.
- see the elements of our Common Rule in the following screens
I will pray daily the prayers of the church as we have received them in the Book of Common Prayer
I will use a variety of forms of prayer such as the reflective reading of scripture and other spiritual tests,
confession, the prayer of examen, intercession, journaling, and contemplation
I commit to corporate prayer and weekly celebration of the Sacrament of the Eucharist
I will serve God and neighbor guided by the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy
I will practice mutual accountability with my fellow Oratorians as to how I serve God and neighbor
I will practice regular Sabbath as a means of renewal so that I can lovingly serve God and neighbor
I commit to the work of Christian Unity
I will pursue peace with justice
- I will share the redeeming, healing, creative love of God in word, deed, and presence as an invitation to others
- to experience the transforming love of God
- I will use my spiritual gifts, talents, and abilities to serve God within and beyond this community
I commit to this rule of life and to the wellbeing of this Anglican Union, out of gratitude to God who makes all things new
May my life be a blessing within and beyond God's church, for the transformation of the world.
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